Promoting independent & pluralistic media In 1991, African journalists issued an historic call for press freedom. 30 years later, media professionals and others weigh in on the state of Africa’s press. Read their thoughts below, and join the conversation at #whk30 Free wallpapers & more… The Windhoek Declaration Articles, videos and podcasts: Choose a categoryAllVideosDisinformationMedia law and policyWomen & Media - Gender & SocietyJournalism educationLGBTQI - Gender & SocietyMedia diversity and viabilityJournalists safetyTech and innovationYouth, Media & Media LiteracyPodcastsUCreativity subverted – from commercial pop to political protestsBig Tech, social media, rights and freedoms – defending Africa’s needs and interestsInsights on media developments in the last 30 yearsRethinking policy interventions on communications surveillance in Africa ‘Denials don’t reach the point where rumours go’Windhoek @30: Time to take stockWindhoek Declaration @30: Time to introspect and actSafety and security in volatile countries: Surviving to tell the story of South Sudan Load More